Unkempt Adventures

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9 Tips for Road Tripping with Toddlers

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1. Unplug the hotel phone.

While the front desk will probably be very polite, they’d probably prefer not to have our kids call them repeatedly and babble into the phone. We didn’t even realize the phone immediately called the front desk in our last hotel until the gently came to our room to tell us. (Sorry again, guys!)  Guess that’s why it sounded like the kids were having full conversations on the phone...

2.  Pack shelf-stable, healthy snacks.

Opt for shelf-stable, healthy snacks (preferably those that won’t melt if you’re traveling during warmer months). Who here has given their kids sugary fruit snacks while on the road, only to regret it as their behavior deteriorated moments later?  Avoid putting yourself (and your kids!) in this battle zone, and pack healthier choices. Bonus:  You’ll all feel better if you’re not eating junk food, anyhow.

3. Work in workouts. 

Plan activities or stops that will allow the kids to exercise.  Worn out kids = sleepy kids = a few moments for adults to chat without fetching snacks, answering questions, or playing the “Can you find a letter ‘T’?” game. Wins all around!

4. Find time for friends and family.

Don’t underestimate the value of seeing family or friends. It not only gives the kids something to look forward to, but it can operate as leverage when they’re tired of being in the car, and refusing to get back in their car seats.

5. Have fun!

Sing. Dance. Play the “Can you find a letter ‘T’?” game or other games. Enjoy your trip. The kids will pick up on your excitement and it’ll make things easier and more enjoyable for the whole family.

6. Be flexible.

Call an audible, when needed. 2 hours away from your destination during a 2-day drive but everyone is melting down?  Might be time to stop for a bit rather than powering through.

Bring a comfort from home.

Favorite blanket?  Stuffed animal they won’t sleep without?  Favorite strawberry Kashi bar that they’ll eat over any other choice?  (No?  Just us?)  Save yourself from the future meltdown & just bring it!

7. Pack light.

No one wants to drag a ton of luggage to and from the car, or to spend your time on the road bobbing your head to check for cars in order to drive safely. Pack just the essentials.

8. Tablets.

Our backup plan. If all else fails, we do resort to tablets for the kids at times. You can upload fun (and educational) apps and their favorite shows/movies. When paired with volume-limiting kid-friendly headphones, it can really be a nice break for everyone. Bonus tip:  We eliminate screen time all together before trips so that tablet use is extra special and captivating.